Welcome to The Blackhall Podcast!
Sept. 29, 2020

Renaissance Man - JR McNair On The Blackhall Studios Podcast

Renaissance Man - JR McNair On The Blackhall Studios Podcast

I’m Ryan Millsap and this is The Blackhall Studio…

I’m Ryan Millsap and this is The Blackhall Studio Podcast – I thought I was an entrepreneur until I met this guy…… Today on the podcast I welcome Mr. JR McNair - - If you google him – you’ll come up with endless descriptors – -Small Business Consultant -CEO -Philanthropist -Motivational Speaker -Startup expert And more - - Sit down – relax – and listen - - as you’re going to hear a unique story from a truly unique man – JR McNair is everything that GOOGLE says he is and more…. I’m Ryan Millsap – and this is the Blackhall Studios Podcast